Construction Tree Sale!
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Bareroot indicated with leaf icon & ONLY available in Spring! List subject to change based on availability. Limited quantities! Limited time! “Bareroot” means they are still dormant, have no leaves yet but the roots & branch structure can be clearly viewed. They are easily transported & planted, no heavy pot or soil.
Apple, ‘Cortland’
An older, well-known variety. Medium-sized and bright red with a sprightly tropical flavor. White flesh holds its color well after being cut. Excellent for eating and cooking.
Height: Varies
Spread: Varies
Exposure: Full Sun
Zone: 4-7
Apple, ‘Honeycrisp’
An exciting apple that is exceptionally crisp and juicy. Flavor is sweet but well-balanced. Excellent storage life, up to 7 months. Ripens in late September and stores like a late season variety. Has become an outstanding commercial and home orchard variety because of its explosive crispness, flavor and storage life.
Height: Varies
Spread: Varies
Exposure: Full Sun
Zone: 4-7
Apple, ‘Red McIntosh’
A well-known older apple that has a sprightly flavor and a medium storage life. Nearly solid, bright red skin. Heavy bearer. Good for eating and baking. Fruit tends to drop when ripe.
Height: Varies
Spread: Varies
Exposure: Full Sun
Zone: 4-7
Apple, ‘Winecrisp’
Attractive medium-sized dark red apple with outstanding flavor. Cream-colored flesh is juicy with full spicy flavors. This apple has shown excellent resistance to scab. Late ripening variety prolongs the harvest season. Use for fresh eating and cooking. Very good storage life.
Height: Varies
Spread: Varies
Exposure: Full Sun
Foliage: GreenZone: 4-8
Zone: 4-8
*Bald Cypress, ‘Shawnee Brave’
A majestic tree very narrowly pyramidal in form. Branching is much fuller than the species. Delicate and feathery foliage is deep sage-green in color turning a bronze-orange before dropping in Fall. Ornate, dark purple seed capsules adorn the tree in the fall. Tolerates dry soils but prefers to be evenly moist.
Height: 55′
Spread: 30′
Shape: Narrow pyramidal
Exposure: Full Sun
Foliage: Sage-green
Fall Foliage: Bronze-orange
Zone: 5-9
*Denotes Potted Tree
*Birch, ‘Heritage River’
This is a beautiful, multi-branched tree that provides unusual winter interest. Its bare branches and trunk display highly textured and colorful, peeling bark. Exceptional for night lighting if planted near the front of the house due to its upright vase shape. This versatile, heat-tolerant tree thrives in wet soils yet adapts to drier areas once established.
The Heritage River Birch is perhaps one of the most culturally adaptable of all the birches. It grows well in acidic, loamy, moist, well-drained soil. The River Birch can handle semi-aquatic conditions but can also tolerate drier soils. Although these trees are heat tolerant, they benefit from a cool and consistently moist root system. Planting shade tolerant understory plants and applying mulch will help shade the ground keeping the soil cooler.
Heritage River Birch trees are attractive ornamental, shade trees commonly used as specimen or small grouping plantings and for erosion management along stream banks and ponds.
Height: 40-50′
Spread: 25-30′
Exposure: Full Sun
Foliage: Glossy Green, Butter Yellow Fall Color
Zone: 3-7
Birch, ‘River’ (clump)
This Norway maple selection is similar to ‘Crimson King’, but with a somewhat slower growth rate and what some consider slightly better color. A dense shade tree, it has a straight trunk with a well-shaped canopy. The glossy foliage is an excellent maroon red all season.
Height: 40-50
Spread: 30-40′
Shape: Oval
Exposure: Full Sun
Foliage: Dark green
Fall Foliage: Golden yellow
Zone: 4-8
Birch, ‘Whitespire’ (clump)
This birch is tolerant of high temperatures and resistant to bronze birch borer. Fine textured in twigs and foliage, it thrives in a wide range of soils. The chalk white bark does not exfoliate.
Height: 30-40′
Spread: 20-25′
Shape: Narrow, pyramidal
Exposure: Full Sun
Foliage: Glossy dark green
Fall Foliage: Yellow
Zone: 4-7
Caragana, ‘Weeping Siberian Pea Shrub’
A very hardy small tree has an upright to rounded form and low canopy. Growing at a medium rate, its yellow flowers bloom heavily in spring and seldomly followed by seed pods. The dark green compound leaves turn yellow in the fall. The bark is a smooth olive-green. Disease and pest resistant for hedges, screens, windbreaks and naturalizing in full sun.
Height: 12′
Spread: 8′
Shape: Upright, rounded
Exposure: Full Sun
Foliage: Dark Green
Fall Foliage: Insignificant
Zone: 2-6
Carpinus, ‘European Hornbeam’
This fine landscape tree is an excellent choice for use as a screen, hedge or an individual specimen. Best in full sun, it also tolerates light shade. The slender olive-brown stems have prominent lenticels. The mature bark is quite handsome, smooth, sinewy and steel gray.
Height: 40-60′
Spread: 30-40′
Shape: Pyramidal in youth, oval at maturity
Exposure: Full Sun
Foliage: Dark green
Fall Foliage: Yellow-green
Zone: 5-7
Carpinus ‘Firespire Musclewood’
An upright and narrow habit, performs well in full sun or full shade. The smooth silvery-blue to gray bark creates winter interest. Brilliant orange-red fall color. The fruit is hop-like and attracts wildlife, and host to many butterflies in their larval stage. This long-lived small tree grows slowly and does well in tolerating both wet and dry conditions.
Height: 15-20′
Spread: 10′
Shape: Narrow upright
Exposure: Full Sun to Full Shade
Foliage: Green
Fall Foliage: Orange-red
Zone: 3-9
Cherry ‘Meteor’
Large, bright red fruit. Mildly acid in flavor. Fine for sauce or pie. Generally regarded as slightly hardier than ‘North Star’. Blooms in early May.
Height: 10-14′
Spread: 8-12′
Cherry ‘North Star’
Red fruit with a small stone. Very productive. A sour pie cherry. Blooms in early May.
Height: 8-10′
Spread: 6-8′
Exposure: Full Sun
Zone: 4-8
*Crabapple, ‘Gladiator’
An excellent ornamental tree with bright pink flowers followed by small reddish-purple fruit on a stately, upright crown. Glossy bronze-purple leaves are dark and glossy, remain lush all season long and are highly disease resistant.
Height: 20′
Spread: 9′
Shape: Upright
Exposure: Full Sun
Foliage: Bronze-purple
Fall Foliage: Purple
Zone: 2-8
*Denotes Potted Tree
Crabapple, ‘Red Jewel’
An American Garden Cole introduction, this beautiful red-fruited, white-flowering crab is a lovely tree for year-round interest in the landscape. After freezing, the cherry red fruit shrivels and darkens, but hangs on the tree until February or March. Foliage is dark green.
Height: 15′
Spread: 12′
Shape: Upright, pyramidal
Exposure: Full Sun
Zone: 4-7
Crabapple, ‘Royal Raindrops’
Certainly one of the prettiest red-leafed crabapples we’ve seen. Has a better summer color and appearance than most red-leaf crabapples. Abundant magenta-pink blossoms stand out handsomely against reddish-purple, cutleaf foliage. Shows good resistance to fireblight.
Height: 20′
Spread: 15′
Shape: Upright, spreading
Exposure: Full Sun
Foliage: Purple
Fall Foliage: Orange-red
Zone: 4
*Crabapple, ‘Ruby Tears’
Red buds open to fragrant pink flowers which completely engulf the cascading branches each Spring. This naturally weeping crab has a habit similar to ‘Louisa’ and burgundy-green foliage like ‘Prairifire’. Attractive dark red fruit lasts into mid-winter.
Height: 8-10′
Spread: 12-15′
Shape: Weeping
Exposure: Full Sun
Foliage: Burgundy fading to medium green
Fall Foliage: Insignificant
Zone: 4-7
*Denotes Potted Tree
*Crab, ‘Starlite’
A flowering crabapple hardy enough for the northern plains. White flowers bloom in May followed by small, shiny bright red fruit that persists into winter. Starlite™ has dark green, glossy, disease resistant foliage. Good for space challenged sites due to its upright branching habit.
Height: 25′
Spread: 15′
Shape: Upright rounded
Exposure: Full Sun
Foliage: Dark green
Fall Foliage: Yellow
Zone: 2-7
*Denotes Potted Tree
Dogwood, Corneliancherry ‘Golden Glory’
More upright and free-flowering form of the species. Best used as a small tree with a mounded form. Glossy, deep green foliage. Small yellow flowers are produced abundantly in early spring and are followed by 5/8″, bright red, cherry-like fruit in summer.
Height: 20-25′
Spread: 10-15′
Shape: Upright
Exposure: Full Sun to Part Shade
Foliage: Glossy, deep green
Fall Foliage: Insignificant
Zone: 4-8
Ginkgo, ‘Autumn Gold’
A male selection of ginkgo with a symmetrical conical form, turning broader with age. A nice yellow fall color.
Height: 50′
Spread: 30′
Shape: Upright broad conical
Exposure: Full Sun
Foliage: Green
Fall Foliage: Yellow
Zone: 4-8
Ginkgo, ‘Goldspire’
Goldspire™ is a French selection of gingko named for the region near Bordeaux where it was found. This small tree has a distinct pyramidal to columnar form, a dense habit, and short internodes. The fan-shaped leaves turn stunning shades of gold in the fall. A male selection that is fruitless. Heat and air pollution tolerant, use this narrow variety as a street tree and in urban landscapes with limited space.
Height: 14-16′
Spread: 5-6′
Shape: Compact, pyramidal
Exposure: Full Sun
Foliage: Green
Fall Foliage: Gold
Zone: 4-8
Hydrangea, ‘Berry White’ TF
With strong, upright stems and large cone-shaped flower panicles that stay upright, this plant is a summer stunner. The flower color is white in July then progresses to dark pink, beginning at the bottom and developing up to the top of the panicle. Color shades can vary by location, climate, and type of soil.
Height: 6-7′
Spread: 4-5′
Shape: Upright
Exposure: Full Sun to Part Shade
Foliage: Medium green
Fall Foliage: Insignificant
Zone: 4-8
Hydrangea, ‘Limelight’ TF
Now available in tree form. Perfect for smaller gardens. Makes a great vertical accent in borders and decorative containers. Bright, lime-green flowers add a much needed brightness to the late summer landscape. In autumn the blooms display shades of pink, burgundy and green. Excellent vigor and floriferous blooming. Flowers on new wood so it can be pruned in winter or early spring.
Height: 6-8′
Spread: 7-9′
Shape: Upright rounded
Exposure: Full Sun to Part Shade
Foliage: Medium green
Fall Foliage: Insignificant
Zone: 3-8
Hydrangea, ‘Quickfire’ TF
The Quick Fire is a unique tree form hydrangea that adds class and beauty to the home landscape. Exciting blooms. Beautiful lacecap bloom clusters cover this hydrangea tree. The flowers start out pure white in summer and slowly blush from a light pink to a deep rose red in fall.
Lilac, ‘Bloomerang’ TF
Darker flowers than the original Bloomerang® lilac – and an improved production plant to boot. Bloomerang® Dark Purple lilac is a bolder, bigger version of the original in every way. Blooms are a very deep purple, particularly in bud. Growers as far south as the Carolinas have reported excellent success in production with this selection.
Height: 8′
Spread: 4-6′
Exposure: Full Sun
Foliage: Medium green
Fall Foliage: Insignificant
Zone: 3-7
*Lilac, ‘Snowcap’ TF
Abundant white fragrant flower spikes bloom in early summer. More compact than other varieties with unique, uniform branching habit and thick, dark leaves. Tolerant of urban conditions. Ideal for small gardens and residential landscapes.
Height: 15-20′
Spread: 10-12′
Shape: Compact oval
Exposure: Full Sun
Foliage: Bright green
Fall Foliage: Insignificant
Zone: 3-8
*Denotes Potted Tree
*Lilac, ‘Snowdance’ TF
Flowers well annually and begins flowering at an earlier age than the species. It has exceptionally heavy bloom with large, fragrant, creamy white flower clusters in June. This variety produces few untidy brown seedheads. Lustrous dark green foliage is slightly larger and darker than the species. Grows as wide as it is tall with attractive, shelved branching. A pest-and-disease-free lilac tree.
Height: 18′
Spread: 20′
Shape: Vase shaped, spreading
Exposure: Full Sun
Foliage: Dark green
Fall Foliage: Insignificant
Zone: 3-7
*Denotes Potted Tree
Lilac, ‘Tinkerbelle’ TF
This dwarf results from crosses between Syringa meyeri ‘Palibin’ and Syringa microphylla ‘Superba’. Tinkerbelle forms a superb small tree with a pleasing spicy fragrance and incredible wine-red flower buds that open in late spring.
Height: 8′
Spread: 4-5′
Shape: Rounded
Exposure: Full Sun
Foliage: Green
Fall Foliage: Insignificant
Zone: 3-7
*London Planetree, ‘Exclamation’
A strong central leader, dense upright pyramidal shape and attractive foliage. It develops an attractive exfoliating bark, which peels back to expose interior bark in shades of cream to white. Bred to be highly resistant to anthracnose.
Height: 60′
Shape:Exposure: Full Sun
Foliage: Dark green
Fall Foliage: Yellow
Zone: 4-9
*Denotes Potted Tree
Maple, ‘Autumn Blaze’
This hybrid of silver and red maple has experienced phenomenal popularity due to its ascending branch habit, rapid growth rate, drought tolerance when established, ability to grow in most soils, beautiful fall color and form.
Height: 50-60′
Spread: 40′
Shape: Dense oval head
Exposure: Full Sun
Foliage: Rich green, deeply lobed
Fall Foliage: Orange-red
Zone: 4-7
Maple, ‘Firefall’
An upright-oval form with good branch angles. This selection does not produce nuisance seeds. The foliage is an attractive medium green throughout the summer. Fall color is bright orange to scarlet and develops fairly early.
Height: 40-60′
Spread: 30-40′
Shape: Upright, oval
Exposure: Full Sun
Foliage: Medium green
Fall Foliage: Bright orange to scarlet
Zone: 4-7
*Maple, ‘Matador’
Selected because of its superior habit and fall color, Matador™ turns deeper red than Autumn Blaze® and colors more consistently than Sienna Glen®. An adaptable tree with an upright, symmetrical form. Gains its fall color a bit later than other cultivars and holds its leaves longer. Excellent choice for lawn, street or park.
Height: 40-45′
Spread: 20-40′
Shape: Upright oval
Exposure: Full Sun
Foliage: Green
Fall Foliage: Deep red to orange-red
Zone: 4-7
*Denotes Potted Tree
Maple, ‘Royal Red’
This Norway maple selection is similar to ‘Crimson King’, but with a somewhat slower growth rate and what some consider slightly better color. A dense shade tree, it has a straight trunk with a well-shaped canopy. The glossy foliage is an excellent maroon red all season.
Height: 35-40′
Spread: 25′
Shape: Broadly oval
Exposure: Full Sun
Foliage: Maroon red, glossy
Fall Foliage: Insignificant
Zone: 4-7
*Mountain Ash, ‘Cardinal Royal’
The straight trunk and uniform branching habit. It has dark green foliage with a silvery underside and is a vigorous grower that turns orange-red in autumn. Brilliant red berries are borne in August-September. It will provide best performance in acid soils with good drainage.
Height: 20-30′
Spread: 15-20′
Shape: Symmetrical, upright
Exposure: Full Sun
Foliage: Dark green with silvery beneath
Fall Foliage: Orange-red
Zone: 2-7
*Denotes Potted Tree
Oak, ‘Heritage’
This Oak is a cross between an English Oak and a Bur Oak. It has glossy, dark green, tatter and mildew resistant foliage. A beautiful specimen tree for the front lawn. This is a truly vigorous cultivar.
Height: 60-80′
Spread: 40-50′
Shape: Broadly pyramidal, becoming oval
Exposure: Full Sun
Foliage: dark green
Fall Foliage: Yellow-brown
Zone: 4-8
Oak, ‘Northern Red’
The fastest growing oak and one of the easiest to transplant, this tree is great for street use or as a landscape tree. The foliage is dense and lustrous and leaves hang on the tree into winter.
Height: 60-80′
Spread: 50′
Shape: Pyramidal in youth, rounded at maturity
Exposure: Full Sun
Foliage: Glossy, dark green
Fall Foliage: Red to red-brown
Zone: 3-8
Oak, ‘Swamp White’
Excellent in both wet and upland soils, this tree has a coarser, less deeply incised leaf than Q. alba and acorns borne on 2-4″ stalks. It shows good transplant success.
Height: 50-60′
Spread: 40-50′
Shape: Narrow, rounded, open
Exposure: Full Sun
Foliage: Dark Green with felty white beneath
Fall Foliage: Yellow-brown to red
Zone: 4-8
Pear, ‘Parker’
Open-pollinated seedling of a Manchurian pear. Large, yellow-bronze fruit. Fine grained, tender and juicy. Upright and vigorous grower.
Height: 12-15′
Spread: 8-12′
Exposure: Full Sun
Zone: 3-8
Pear ‘Summercrisp’
Recognized for many years as the hardiest pear. Free of fireblight. An annual bearer. Fruit is pyriform in shape, 2.5-3″ in diameter and 3-3.5″ long. Blooms early in May. The fruit should be harvested in med-August when crisp and still green with a red blush. Fruit harvested at that time is sweet and crisp, and may be stored up to 2 months. Use either ‘Parker’ or ‘Patten’ as pollinator.
Height: 12-15′
Spread: 8-12′
Exposure: Full Sun
Zone: 3-8
Plum, ‘Mount Royal’
Blue – European Plum. Good eaten off tree. Excellent for dessert, jam and preserves. Tender, juicy flesh. Considered the best blue cultivar in Wisconsin and Minnesota.
Height: 8-12′
Spread: 6-10′
Exposure: Full Sun
Zone: 4-8
Poplar, ‘Quaking Aspen’
Narrow, pyramidal Nebraska native with light green leaves in summer turning golden yellow in the fall. The leaves rustle at the slightest breeze and are resistant to leaf spot. Plant as a specimen or in groups or groves for a naturalized effect.
Height: 30′-40′
Spread: 15′
Shape: Narrow, pyramidal
Exposure: Full Sun
Foliage: Light green
Fall Foliage: Golden yellow
Zone: 4-7
Poplar, ‘Summer Shimmer Aspen’
Named for the shimmer of light that is reflected by the white bark and silver undersides of its large, dark glossy green leaves that turn shades of yellow each fall. The fluttering leaves create a rustling sound that is quintessential summer and hard to resist. Preferring relatively cool summers, full sun, and moist but well-drained soil, this poplar is adaptable to a range of conditions once established.
Height: 60′-70′
Spread: 35′
Shape: Upright
Exposure: Full Sun
Foliage: Dark green glossy
Fall Foliage: Yellow
Zone: 3-6
Redbud ‘MN Strain’ (clump)
This handsome tree bears small pink flowers in Spring before leaves appear. Later brown fruit pods forms. This strain is grown from seed collected at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum. It does well in sun and part shade. Selected for hardiness.
Height: 20-30′
Spread: 20-25′
Shape: Vase-shaped
Exposure: Full Sun
Redbud ‘MN Strain’ (single)
This handsome tree bears small pink flowers in Spring before leaves appear. Later brown fruit pods forms. This strain is grown from seed collected at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum. It does well in sun and part shade. Selected for hardiness.
Height: 20-30′
Spread: 20-25′
Shape: Vase-shaped
Exposure: Full Sun
*Denotes Potted Tree
Serviceberry ‘Autumn Brilliance’
This tremendously popular tree offers white blossoms in spring, followed by showy, sweet purplish-black fruit. Heavily branched, the tree has an interesting spreading branch pattern, and attractive light gray bark. The brilliant fall leaves are quite persistent. Own root.
Height: 20-25′
Spread: 15′
Shape: Rounded
Exposure: Full Sun
Foliage: Blue-green, small
Fall Foliage: Brilliant red-orange
Zone: 3-8
Willow, ‘Golden Curls’
This hybrid willow resembles Corkscrew willow with its curly branches, but has golden bark in winter. We have seen some evidence that ‘Golden Curls’ appears to be hardier than Corkscrew.
Height: 30-40′
Spread: 20-25′
Shape: Irregular
Exposure: Full Sun
Foliage: Bright green
Fall Foliage: Yellow
Zone: 4-8